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I use Brass Monkey Bullets 150gr RN for competition. This bullet gives me a perfect balance of accuracy and recoil in my Walther PDP 5". It's very easy to get 2" group accuracy at 25 yards. The design of the bullet enables me to load it at factory ammo length (around 1.145) and the coating quality is the best in the market. My current load is 1.145 long with 3.1gr of titegroup which chronos around 135 power factor through PDP 5". This load is perfect for IPSC/USPSA competition. 

Brass Monkey Bullets

For PCC division, using a reliable magazine is very important. I am running KCI USA 33rd magazines. This magazine runs very reliably even with aftermarket basepads installed. My current PCC magazine setups are 33 round mag, 43 round mag (with +10 TF basepad), and 52 rounds (Goliath +20 TF basepad). I also use their 17 round magazines on both pistol and rifle with great success. What stands out about this magazine compared to other companies' is all of their Glock magazines have metal parts on the areas where the mags typically wear out after heavy use, causing them to last longer and function more reliably. 



When I shoot USPSA Production division, I use a blade tech holster with the Boss hanger. I found this combination to be the most comfortable set up for a fast and consistent draw. It is very important to me to have enough space between the holster and the belt when I draw because I use my right thumb to establish the grip before I pull the gun out of the holster. With the Boss Hanger I am able to achieve this grip every time. It's angle and height adjustments allow you to customize your set up and the adjustments hold very firmly once the screws are tightened. 

Boss Hanger

If you want to reload fast and consistently, basepads are key. I am currently using their production legal basepads and 140mm +6 basepads for Carry Optics division. Both of them are running flawlessly. These basepads with the Walther PPQ magazines create the perfect angle for high-speed reloading.

I also use their Goliath magazine extension for PCC competition. I can load up to 52 rounds reliably with Kciusa Glock mags.

Taylor Freelance

© 2017 Hkim Shooting LLC

"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

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